
About Me

Research Area

  • Federated Learning
  • Recommendation System

Work experience

  • Algorithm Intern (2024.04-2024.07), Tencent, PCG Department, QQ short video recommendation. I’m mainly responsible for the multi-objective fusion (MTF) of precision ranking scores based on implicit Q-learning (IQL) reinforcement learning algorithm.

Manuscripts and Publications

  • Zhang H, Zheng D, Yang X, et al. FedDCSR: Federated Cross-domain Sequential Recommendation via Disentangled Representation Learning[C]. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2024. [paper] [code]

  • Zhang H, Zheng D, Zhong L, et al. FedHCDR: Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation with Hypergraph Signal Decoupling[C]. ECML-PKDD, 2024. [paper] [code]

Software or Toolkit

  • FedCom: A new method of multi-task clustered federated learning. In this method, we perform dynamic partition of clusters based on community detection, which can alleviate the negative impact caused by the early-stage partition errors.

  • FedAO: A toolbox for federated learning, aiming to provide implementations of FedAvg, FedProx, Ditto, etc. in multiple versions, such as Pytorch/Tensorflow, single-machine/distributed, synchronized/asynchronous and so on.

  • Numerical Analysis: A project for the implementation of the algorithm in the numerical analysis (by Timothy Sauer) using Python+Numpy+Pytorch.

Selected Award

  • 2021 First Prize of China College Students Computer Design Competition [Cert]
  • 2020 Golden Medal of China Parallel Application Challenge On Domestic CPU [Cert]
  • 2020 Second Prize of ”Blue Bridge Cup” National Software Competition Final [Cert]
  • 2019 First Prize of National English Competition for College Students (NECCS) [Cert]

Social Service

  • Former captain of the student team SCPCLab
  • Volunteer for the 3rd Sichuan Robot Competition [Cert]
  • 2020 Class Tutor for Computer Science and Technology major at SWPU [Cert]

Selected Blog Post
